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Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight!

Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight!

Normally games are supposed to be fun, Right? So what am I missing with this Bio mass Boss? Cause nothing about that was fun at all. Any one thing or even a couple of things together I could see, Swamp+ Adds... Poison +Adds... SWAMP BY ITSELF. But all of it put together is outrageous. Did the Devs even test this dumb fight? Do they enjoy suffering? I don't think I have had this much fun since my last dental appointment. But I digress, BOI MASS is a STUPID fight!! Here are some reasons:

1: The stamina system is straight busted

Literally everything makes your stamina go down and one of the worst things in the game is water.... and your fighting Bio Dink in a swamp the whole time!

2: Poison is broken beyond belief

Not only does it last forever but the tick on it is huge for the life you have. And is it just me or in a game that is trying to be SO realistic with it's features (letting you lvl up skilz via use) one would think that if you were going to make things like stamina and poison such big issues then you would make it so that over time you lvl your stamina and poison Res or at the very least you would make poison potions actually affects POISON in a meaningful way. Especially when you consider how much of the games resources are in the swamp where you are going to be poisoned by just about everything that touches you.

3: Bio Mass is a Stupid Boss for this game

Yes this has to be one of the most unimaginative bosses I have ever played. I am pretty sure this is just a remake of that stupid sludge boss in Dark sous 2 (I think it was 2) and all they did was make him spawn adds at an exceedingly stupid rate. I mean he chucks a ball of armpit at you (no joke) and 4-6 slimes plus skelly's pop out, and this is on a regular rotation during the fight, like every 20 seconds or so and you still have to contend with the normal mobs in the surrounding area (Draugers, Leaches... more slimes and skelly's). It's not hard to put a big enemy in a game and just have the adds do the work for it. More importantly.... it's not fun!

In conclusion, I hated every second of this fight. It's not difficult, I can deal with difficulty. It's just not an engaging fight. I feel ripped off right now. Like when we used to play arcade games and they deliberately put a boss in that was guaranteed to kill you 30 times so you had to keep pumping quarters into the machine to beat it. This boss is the same thing. He is not designed to be engaging or make you think or stategize or get better at the combat. He is simply there to suck resources and fun out of this game.

Despite this rant though, I really do enjoy this game. Especially the building mechanics. But, and I know it's early access, BUT... they seriously need to fix the stamina and poison as they are way too much of an issue, and either rethink that crappy boss or replace it completely. I want to see this game succeed I really do but I will not play through a second time because I refuse to go through that terrible fight again.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Ryzilynt replied to Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight! May 14, 2021 @ 11:29:42 pm PDT

Go get ‘em tiger
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Crasharr replied to Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight! May 14, 2021 @ 11:54:20 pm PDT

Well let me be the first to point out that one of the things that really helps is using your hoe to flatten the surface surrounding the spawner before you start the fight. This helps alot with staying mobile without dropping into sink holes all the time.

That being said i do agree on the poison side of things, its a massive pain and not very well executed. I've died more to poison effects than anything else, being it direct ticks to death or just ticking down so low some random low level mob gets the lucky last hit, its infuriating, especially with health pots being on a long cooldown.

The boss fight itself isnt great either, I agree summoning adds is a cheap and unimaginative way of increasing "difficulty" in boss fights. Then again i do kinda like his almost immunity to arrows so you cant cheese him by just bowing him but the fight itself isnt very engaging. Run in, smack him with a blunt weapon, block or run away, rinse and repeat. Does make it better than straight up pincushioning him with arrows, worst kind of boss fight tactics imho

Stamina is pretty much a learn to adept thing, you can use food that increases stamina more than health and that helps but the innate wetness of the swamp ruins any kind of regeneration of stamina. Not even the rested bonus is enough to counter it. Its the same with the deer boss causing a thunder storm and leaving you wet and reducing your stamina regen, its a cheap tactic.

There's alot of room in improving boss fights, these days i just skip them as they are annoying AF, cept for Eykthyr, i just smack him to death with an axe as he's too easy to be even called a boss.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Dialtone replied to Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight! May 15, 2021 @ 12:00:17 am PDT

I was sliding down a mountain side today with my son. It didn't look too steep, but towards the bottom of the cliff it got a bit steeper and then Splat Splat we both died. First time I died in a month or so, we laughed and made a plan to get into the mountain and get our stuff back. Fun times.

1. Stamina is spot on imo.

2. Did you use poison resistance mead the whole time? You say it don't affect poison in a meaningful way, I'd say 75% damage reduction is pretty good.

3. Bonemass is a fine boss fight. Not too hard, not too soft, just kind of slides right along there. I've dumped bonemass many times, without even a cramp, in my hand that is. Be well rested and fed, lots of fiber, keep your stamina up don't be caught unable to make a quick push, to safety. Wipe out any intruders first, and don't get any on you, they can be toxic. Take a crack at taking out the big guy only when you have stamina and room to maneuver. Rinse and repeat, sometimes it takes a while to flush a wad like him. Don't rush it.

4. I should have wrote a rant about fall damage, but laughing about it and learning from our mistake is better.

5. Not accepting criticism on my really bad post. Also ninjas, type and grammar check faster damn you.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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grinsekeatzchen replied to Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight! May 15, 2021 @ 12:01:26 am PDT

In one thing I agree with you, the Blob is one of the mobs in this game which in my opinion absolutely does not fit into this game if you include everything else and all always talk about how realistic that game is because Vikings duuuh~. What's funny, if you read here longer and notice how many people got there knowledge about Vikings to 100% only from Hollywood movies and games like AC valhalla xD

(and eventually the tick without potion, its really massive and can kill you even when you have eaten)
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Silberfuchs replied to Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight! May 15, 2021 @ 1:33:52 am PDT

The fight isn't a problem if the player is prepared for it, otherwise it's real torture.
There isn't much in between.

Originally posted by Dialtone:
4. I should have wrote a rant about fall damage, but laughing about it and learning from our mistake is better.

Fall damage can't do more then 100 damage at once, bouncing a few times in a row is what kills us (and forgetting to eat something).
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Fzanco replied to Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight! May 15, 2021 @ 2:40:23 am PDT

i think this fight is frustrating when you aim to use the bow without an arena set up. i think if you go melee he doesnt make adds cause i never got one add when meleeing bonemass
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Emperor Palpatine replied to Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight! May 15, 2021 @ 2:47:39 am PDT

All bossfight are just too cheesy currently, as for poison and the swamp, they really need a rebalance, 90% of my deaths were in the swamp, it's not just poison, the fact that you are always wet, that you have to avoid leeches and hordes of draugrs with bows makes it more unpleasant that it should be, poison resistance mead do make the swamp easier, but it does not negate all the things that will make you struggle. My point is, the swamp is just not fun, and personally i think just getting rid of the permanent rain or adding a wet effect resistance cape or armor would make it much more enjoyable.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Altimely replied to Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight! May 15, 2021 @ 5:34:21 am PDT

1. Poison resist mead
2. Stay rested
3. How to make paths in the swamp
4. Look for turnip seeds immediately for that turnip stew
The swamp isn't difficult, it's a check to make sure you come prepared.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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ec928 replied to Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight! May 15, 2021 @ 5:43:31 am PDT

I actually thought Bio Mass was one of the better bosses in the game and gave a good challenge and kept the pressure on (if you play the boss straight up without using cheese strats). Felt a small sense of accomplishment after beating him.

Better than Moder who just sat their and took a million arrows to kill, but where I felt there was little danger. Beating her was just "meh, glad that's over".
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Raviel replied to Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight! May 15, 2021 @ 5:51:40 am PDT

Bonemass is probably the best boss in the game currently.

It isn't too easy to cheese and can be a treat.
4rth boss is so bugged it's easier than the first, and first is easy as hell...

Haven't fought the 5th, but sounds like its bugged too, so, yeah :/

Bonemass is the only boss that fights back, and not just waits to die.. even so he is completely helpless in coop.

It's freaking sad when a 0 star goblin is more challenging than a dragon boss...
Not even talking about 2 stars...
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Zarn replied to Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight! May 15, 2021 @ 5:55:57 am PDT

I think this game makes you think. the bone mass is very hard and I failed.
however I started the game again and now close to facing the bone mass again but this time, following advice from you tubers, especially um fire spark or something, he and another showed a way to get him and that is making a house in the trees way up in the air out of reach of him and all other enemies on the ground and not worrying you, . then with a hole in the floor and frost arrows, good bow experience level, and a good bow you just shoot him from your tree house.
cant say it is easy yet as i am not quite there. also if you can build your house over a fire spout so he gets burned by this also.
one u tuber um damn cant remember, eso or something, went with the iron hammer really at max improvement . every thing compounds, your experience level with the bow the hammer etc the comfort when you sleep the weapon you use bla bla so as hard as it is, with the stamina potion the poison potion the healing potion and the hammer and walking not running, good food meat tails soup turnip soup, fish , clearing out all the local enemies before hand , it seems you can do it and when you succeed boy does it feel good so just better prepare yourself. it is disrespectful of me forgetting who did it in the utube video but he learned the actions of the bone mass, the melly the spewing of the poison and the throwing of the enemy spawns. and he used the hammer to kill the ball of enemys thrown by bone mass,when it landed waited for the melly punch then walked in and hammered him and he made it look easy if you had your wits about you. many many folk have killed it so if you cant, it is just you arent good enough, or prepared enough, and i may be one of those, but the house with the hole in the floor looks the way for me the melly was to hard for me, i failed but i wasnt prepared enough i think hence starting again.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Ubizon replied to Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight! May 15, 2021 @ 6:26:53 am PDT

Dont feed the trolls
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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ec928 replied to Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight! May 15, 2021 @ 6:28:42 am PDT

Originally posted by Raviel:
Bonemass is probably the best boss in the game currently.

It isn't too easy to cheese and can be a treat.
4rth boss is so bugged it's easier than the first, and first is easy as hell...

Haven't fought the 5th, but sounds like its bugged too, so, yeah :/

Bonemass is the only boss that fights back, and not just waits to die.. even so he is completely helpless in coop.

It's freaking sad when a 0 star goblin is more challenging than a dragon boss...
Not even talking about 2 stars...

The 5th boss was actually decent as well. You'll need to get in close and melee him and he hits very hard so you have to be careful as you have a real chance of dying, especially if furlings and deathsquito's sneak in behind you while you're melee attacking him (yeah I died once that way).

You really need fire resistant potions and bonemass and healing meads and the top foods. But the key really is fire resistant meads.

Just avoid cheese strats as that takes away the challenge and feeling of accomplishment IMHO. And finding 5 totems to unlock it may take a lot of exploring. Either way good luck.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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MonkeyEmperor replied to Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight! May 15, 2021 @ 6:28:45 am PDT

Totally agree. It wasn't a `hard` fight as all his attacks are well telegraphed. The majority of the damage was due to be having zero stamina and suffering tick damage from poison and being chased round and round in circles like I was stuck in treacle by ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ blobs with no way of using my Hammer or mace to clear them.

The fight ended with the stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ chasing me into the Mistlands, plus a whole horde of followers while I desperately whittled him down with arrows while he slowwwllllyyyyy paddled across the bay to where I was making my stand on a tree trunk.

I would rather be beaten unconscious with Jelly babies than ever do that fight again.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Ptolemy replied to Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight! May 15, 2021 @ 6:35:37 am PDT

Are none of the people complaining about running out of stamina during boss fights carrying tasty mead?
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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