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End Game...disaster?!?

End Game...disaster?!?

Ok, let me start off by saying at 200+ hours in to this game. I like it. I really do. Ok, now that THAT is out of the way here is my gripe. Plains. Plains and Plains. My character build is decent (Maxed out wolf armor set, silver sword, silver shield, obsidian arrows, draugr bow, medium healing pots, lox food, etc) so the max level items for the area (Moder) that I was in. There is nothing new until you get to the Plains. Enter, black metal. Yay, no, wait, that only comes from Goblins - that swarm you in waves of 2-3 or an entire village. If that wasn't enough we are going to throw big, giant, beserkers that swing a club like Mickey Mantle on crack hitting a baseball...then let us not forget the shamans...Bubble shield? Really, and homing mini-nukes!...I know it's 'end' game material...but spending a day attempting a run through the plains...and dying repeatedly (which, IMO, nerfs your skills WAY TOO much - which in turn makes the Plains even harder and more prone to die more) even with kiting what you can and going slow...then the game just throws a couple deathsqeetos at you during your fights just to make sure your paying attention...

I love the game...just NOT the play balance you have going in the Plains biome. I am a decent player and will continue to champion Valheim, but I think I may take a break for a while as I am tired of watching and wasting my hard work on a character just evaporate while attempting to get the 'better' gear that will, in essence, let me suck 20% less from that point on...

Here is to hoping Hearth and Home will address some of the balance issues...and add some more shapes/materials to build with...
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Kyutaru replied to End Game...disaster?!? May 16, 2021 @ 8:41:06 pm PDT

Balance perceptions are rarely universal and quite difficult to get right. The exact same set of conditions can be perceived by someone as too easy or too hard. Make it easier and the prochamps complain that the game is boring. Make it harder and the casuals complain that it's impossible to solo.

On our server where we have a full 10 players running we've had no problems at all cooperating to get loot. Even a duo has proven to be far safer than going solo.

And this isn't even the endgame yet, it's just the midgame. There's more biomes to go and more bosses planned. It's only going to get harder from here. One of the best ways to deal with it is grinding skills up because having 70+ bow and sneak and shield skills improves survival tremendously.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Ryzilynt replied to End Game...disaster?!? May 16, 2021 @ 8:53:48 pm PDT

I played the game though, on my second (solo) run now. It's well within "acceptable" as it pertains to difficulty.

Now I'm going to be completely serious, so please don't think this is cheeky.

It isn't the game responsibility to conform to you. It is a challenge presented to you. Rise to meet it, or fail.

The mountain cannot bow to the wind no matter how hard it blows.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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UgLyGuN replied to End Game...disaster?!? May 16, 2021 @ 8:55:09 pm PDT

I personally feel that the Mountain and Plains were very underwhelming. I had more trouble finding and gathering my Iron in the swamps before I took down the boss. Died maybe two times in mountains and maybe 3 times in the plains. I love how the game has molded my approach on how I handle each new area. Can't wait until they open up the other 3 placeholder areas Mist-lands hopefully this year. New Gear, weapons and beast to slay. I wonder how easy or hard it is going to be and will I do something totally different or similar to what I have already done. So many different ways, will I pick the right one and survive or will I choose a bad path and fail. I got goose bumps.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Ptolemy replied to End Game...disaster?!? May 16, 2021 @ 9:01:47 pm PDT

I feel like the plains is just right in terms of difficulty, personally, but yes, everyone will have their own idea of how difficult it should be.

Note that the plains much more deadly at night than during the day, because instead of spawning rarely in groups of 1-2, fulings will spawn frequently in groups of 3-5. Unless you're very confident, do yourself a favour and just leave the plains at nightfall.

Also, shamans and berserkers don't spawn randomly, only at a couple of structures (fuling villages, in particular). And although you are pretty much required to attack fuling villages to get the resources needed to upgrade your equipment, you do have the luxury of being able to prepare, choose when you attack, and fight from long range when you do so.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Dialtone replied to End Game...disaster?!? May 16, 2021 @ 9:29:31 pm PDT

Plains are not endgame, there are more biomes to be added to the game. When they're are finished fleshing out the game, plains should fit in better and be more of a stepping stone like the rest of the biomes.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Altimely replied to End Game...disaster?!? May 16, 2021 @ 9:35:34 pm PDT

early access game isn't finished, more news at 11
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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