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Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building

Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building

After playing this game for over hundreds of hours and trying out many different base styles I have to say I find building to be frustrating more than anything. One of my biggest issues is not being able to build structures up very high. I have had sooo many cool ideas for main bases and every time I go to execute them the structures are too unstable. The only way to have a standing building is by having a mess of beams and even then you are very limited, and that isn't even talking about stone buildings.

In games like valheim I have always looked forward to base building but so far I have been very disappointed. Its a struggle to build a house with many floors and don't even try to build if your next to build next to hills. The second you try to build away from the ground you're going to need a stupid amount of pillars that can only go like 5 high. Once you get off the ground and try to make a simple floor you have to have connections points to the ground everywhere. I understand there are ways to build high but it usually requires some glitch in the game and that just isn't how base building should work.

Another big issue is trying to build a good roof. In most of my bases I have random holes in the roof because a pillar couldn't reach or simply nothing will stay standing for no good reason.

All in all I just wish I could build more freely in the game so I didnt have to spend hours on hours planning and reworking buildings just for them to be one floor maybe two with a short roof. And to add even more frustration to the mix it take an immense amount of resources to build a reasonable sized place.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Jaunitta 🌸 replied to Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building May 8, 2021 @ 8:32:32 pm PDT

Place lots of small temporary ladders up and climb them .
Example you can see some I have left there. agree it could use a push and pull structure item like using numblock 8 to push it up or 2 move it closer. This could save all that extra building and deleting. I have suggested it but Valheim is still in early stages.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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ec928 replied to Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building May 9, 2021 @ 3:30:26 am PDT

If this was Vikings in space, then yes, you could build as "high" as you want. But structural restrictions are unfortunately part of the real world. Gravity, physics and all that. It's actually already pretty unrealistic how high these vikings can build but whatever.

Anyway, as you get better material, you can build higher. And bring the ground to you by terraform your supporting structures so they're touching the "ground" (even if it's way up in the air). And use those iron pillars before your supporting structures. You can build very high, unrealistically high...

4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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StfuBeans replied to Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building May 9, 2021 @ 3:46:31 am PDT

I like the pseudo realistic requirement that building panels require support. I get that it's not for everyone, but there is always minecraft. :D:
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Mharr replied to Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building May 9, 2021 @ 4:26:02 am PDT

It's tricky if you really want to push the limits, but those limits are pretty high.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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jonnin replied to Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building May 9, 2021 @ 4:28:34 am PDT

Building high is frustrating by design I think. You don't have to do anything glitchy but you do need to exploit the game's mechanics. The best way to go high IMHO is to loft a single spike of ground as high as you can in a couple of strategic places (you need one spike for about every 10x10 of the 2x2 floor tiles roughly for stone, wood will go a little farther out) and find a way to hide or use the spike in your build. Then you can reanchor off it as 'ground' and go from the real ground up about 10 levels. This takes an insane amount of iron support beams, so you were warned. But it works. I used my spike as the centerpiece for a spiral staircase, which hid it pretty well. You can also use it to back a chimney type thing.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Estyn replied to Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building May 9, 2021 @ 4:53:21 am PDT

It seems a lot of players don't grasp the structural integrity system.

You can build VERY tall structures in Valheim. It all comes down to being able to work with the building/integrity system. Personally, I love the building system here, and like how the integrity system is structures.

Check out Youtube for some great breakdowns on the integrity system, I suspect that's where the majority of your frustrations lie. I believe it was "Firespark81" who had a great integrity video or two on there that really helped me understand it initially.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Weaver replied to Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building May 9, 2021 @ 5:43:16 am PDT

The structural integrity system is extremely easy to understand and you can build absolutely massive structures with the right materials.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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LiquidDisease replied to Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building May 9, 2021 @ 8:46:55 am PDT

I doubt Vikings actually built anything really high... I think the game as it is is pretty well done, except that building is a hassle, the mats left on the roof and hard to reach places kinda suck but that's minor.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Greymantle replied to Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building May 9, 2021 @ 11:00:21 am PDT

plant a pine tree where you want a main support.
Use the terrain to give the Illusion of height.
Use any of the, amazing, work around's - find em on YT et al.

After that all I can say is "Vikings arn't known for leaving behind monumental structures"

Try playing the game you've got, rather than wishing for one that doesn't exist.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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grinsekeatzchen replied to Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building May 9, 2021 @ 11:55:16 am PDT

I feel you. It's super frustrating in parts, especially that most of it makes zero sense. Only the vertical beams support the built, but not the horizontal ones. So when you build something big you have to look how to do it best without wasting super much space with the beams because even from a wall height of 4, even with stone, the roof is often almost completely red ~~.

To that it comes that we have just two possibilities of stairs and these also do not adapt, but one must adapt to them. Which leads to the fact that you have to build your own stairs as I did for my Rapunzel Tower, which is extremely resource-heavy.
For my very big tower I put a big tree in the middle and took it as a support, because it counts as ground ... what a joke. The thing is just that you waste a lot of space and the part where the leaves are you can not really use. Let alone build there was a pain~, which is why I now use iron beams.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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ec928 replied to Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building May 9, 2021 @ 1:37:35 pm PDT

Guys if you REALLY want to make big building models and that's your absolute top priority, don't bother with Valheim and use Rhino 3D or Revit Architecture instead. If you know what you're doing, they are FAR superior to Valheim for this. Just not much fun.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Skycat replied to Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building May 9, 2021 @ 2:16:42 pm PDT

The building system is a bit tricky (and stuff some could work better, like the snapping) but IMO very enjoyable compared to more basic Minecraft style building requirements. You end up having to plan ahead a lot more how you are going to accomplish an impressive looking building.

I would suspect there are already mods that let you build however you want and maybe a fully 'creative' mode could be added to the game without much dev effort.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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sibbs replied to Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building May 9, 2021 @ 2:20:09 pm PDT

some people just like to moan.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Weaver replied to Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building May 9, 2021 @ 3:07:18 pm PDT

Originally posted by grinsekeatzchen:
I feel you. It's super frustrating in parts, especially that most of it makes zero sense. Only the vertical beams support the built, but not the horizontal ones. So when you build something big you have to look how to do it best without wasting super much space with the beams because even from a wall height of 4, even with stone, the roof is often almost completely red ~~.

To that it comes that we have just two possibilities of stairs and these also do not adapt, but one must adapt to them. Which leads to the fact that you have to build your own stairs as I did for my Rapunzel Tower, which is extremely resource-heavy.
For my very big tower I put a big tree in the middle and took it as a support, because it counts as ground ... what a joke. The thing is just that you waste a lot of space and the part where the leaves are you can not really use. Let alone build there was a pain~, which is why I now use iron beams.

This isn't true. Horizontal beams do indeed provide support in the exact same manner as vertical ones and count exactly the same for determining integrity via shortest path to the ground. And you can make massive strutures with iron reinforced poles. You can go 30 meters up and still have anything attached to it considered grounded, and another 20 meters and still attach things. 50m/164feet is absolutely massive for anything of viking age/materials. it's still really tall today and nothing you would usually see outside metro areas.
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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