. replied to World Save in 30 May 14, 2021 @ 1:17:21 pm PDT
I believe the whole point for them adding the timer is to provide a warning, as the save creates a lag spike.
Ppl were complaining that too many saves were happening mid-battle.
So now we have a warning. Lets not complain about the font.
Why do so many people just assume its the same people if it fits their argument?
The solution to this problem is easy - make it an option in the menu - problem solved (it is kind of immersion breaking).
Another idea:
The World-Saves probably have some timer - why not add a button for players to force a world save when it doesnt interfere with their game resetting the world-save-timer? So players could simply force a worldsave before a battle or when they are just building - probably 99% of problems with lagspikes solved ...
2:48 am, May 15, 2021