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Valheim General Discussions, Items Found: 44

Valheim over wifi

Preparing for a house move I added a wifi adapter to my games PC. All good, internet access as well as my network printers and storage. However Valheim will not connect to my dedi server that is on my..
5:18 am, May 19, 2021
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Random stone pieces of my building get destroyed suddenly, even though integrity was blue

Tonight random pieces of my main building started getting destroyed even though I have had them for ages and the integrity was blue on on all of them (placed directly on ground). WTF?!Two chests also ..
5:18 am, May 19, 2021
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hardcore mode

Could u plz add an option to play this game with only 1 life?
5:18 am, May 19, 2021
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Game name Boombaclock

password is 12345new characters only.
5:18 am, May 19, 2021
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killed boss event cheat(kinda)

I discovered by mistake that if you kill a boss, you will start to trigger an event ie: The Forest is Moving etc. , but if you kill the second(and more) boss on a different server, then you won't get ..
5:18 am, May 19, 2021
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Has anyone else here had problems with windows 10 updates for the last 6 to 12 months,

Ive had an issue with a specific "quality of life" update. I think it was KB 15001303. After first installing it I got a quarintined file warning from my antivirus labeling it as keylogging ..
5:18 am, May 19, 2021
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Just made a pre-emptive foray into the swamp before fighting the Elder.

Got a lot of good mats from leaches and blobs ancient tree bark and entrails to make sausage. Died once recovered all my gear. Those stamina potions and poison resist potions are a must. The swamp is ..
5:18 am, May 19, 2021
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If there was an open-world Valheim, how would you see it?

You can play solo or together with your friends up to 10 players in a world.But what about 32 players for example in one open-world feature (game-mode thing).How would you see it and how do you think ..
5:18 am, May 19, 2021
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Just did the Bonemass fight (solo)

We already killed it on a 4 man co-op group (that has since quit paying) and it was a pain in the ass, mostly just the amount of HP. So i built a tree fort above the spawn and made 368 frost arrows an..
5:18 am, May 19, 2021
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what objects respawn in the world?

recently, I thought raspberries respawned but I found out they don't... This started to make me question what does and doesn't. Please save me time and let me know what objects respawn in the world or..
5:18 am, May 19, 2021
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Games like Valheim

Been browsing the store for games similar to Valheim. Trying to get a holdover until more content arrives. Unfortunately I'm not seeing anything good. Rust, Raft, Hobo, meh. Anyone have suggestions?
5:18 am, May 19, 2021
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[FR] Raccourcis clavier

Bonjour,Savez-vous si il est possible de réaffecter les touches 1 à 9 (raccourcis armes/équipements) ?Je n'ai pas trouvé depuis l'interface et dans les fichiers du jeu cette possibilité. Si vous ..
12:42 pm, May 17, 2021
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РУССКИЕ обсуждения

Доброго времени суток.Предлагаю тут обмениваться знаниями и опытом, а также задавать вопросы.1) Почему при по..
12:42 pm, May 17, 2021
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new harpoon mechanics....

they are awfullLine seems longer, drain stamina like crazy... serpent released!!!and no stamina serpent flees well bye byeIt's just annoying and irritating now....Damn devs nowadays, hey let's change ..
12:42 pm, May 17, 2021
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Share your most beautiful screenshot

You probably encountered places in Valheim with a stunning view.Perfect moments to make a screenshot about the view, scenery.. Horizon.. You name it.Choose 1 or 2 screenshot(s) that you have made and ..
12:42 pm, May 17, 2021
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two carts and two evaporations. when i sign back in the carts are gone. and the inventory and this last cart had the inventory!!! is anyone elses carts disappearing and is it possible to go back to a ..
12:42 pm, May 17, 2021
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iks there a good building guide?

I want to know if you have a very good building guide on the net, I found only common informations about the structural integrity system but I want to know more, some tips / tricks etc.I followed a yo..
12:42 pm, May 17, 2021
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The chat is terrible. You have to type /s everytime which is hard when you are fighting and need to call for help. Local only SUCKS. Just make chat global for the love of Oding.....this is miserable a..
12:42 pm, May 17, 2021
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Knife v Lox

I completely ignore knives in all my time playing, but I've recently read about it's huge sneak bonus. I tried it out on a few mobs and it's definitely not terrible. Black metal knife is a good thing ..
12:42 pm, May 17, 2021
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Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight!

Normally games are supposed to be fun, Right? So what am I missing with this Bio mass Boss? Cause nothing about that was fun at all. Any one thing or even a couple of things together I could see, Swam..
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Thistles should be farmable

I think that thistles should be farmable in the black forest biome IMO. they are too tedious to try and find all of the time to make sausages and pots. It would be interesting to have them be plantabl..
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Finished the game. Suggestions on new content? (i.e. mods)

Finished the game, killed all the bosses, built my bases, read up on the forums and WIKI's to see if I missed anything, and think I've done pretty much everything I wanted to (including parrying). Was..
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Which resource is most underused

in your opinion, which resource you think is most underused and there is plenty of it ?Is it Bronze ? Black Metal ? Core Wood ? Ancient Wood ? Resin ? etc... ?
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Best equipment for plains ?

I currently have troll armor and goblins and mosqitos hit 70. I thought ıf I upgraded to bronze armor they would still be hitting like 50 something which is a lot. So here is the question iron or wol..
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Why do ppl say Bio Mass and Furlings?

Why do ppl on the forum here make up different names for the creatures in the game? Is it so hard to read correctly?
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Alle 30 Sek save

Hallo allerseits,ich spiele erst seit kurzem Valheim. ist es richtig das ich oft die Meldung bekomme: die Welt wird in 30 Sek gespeichert. Bei dem speichern hakt es gewaltig. Hin und wieder hängt es ..
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building

After playing this game for over hundreds of hours and trying out many different base styles I have to say I find building to be frustrating more than anything. One of my biggest issues is not being a..
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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The Cart - The most useless invention

I'm far south from my main base and have a full chest-worth of iron. I made a cart to haul it all up to my main site when i can 't even make it even slightly uphill. Am i missing something?The cart is..
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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End Game...disaster?!?

Ok, let me start off by saying at 200+ hours in to this game. I like it. I really do. Ok, now that THAT is out of the way here is my gripe. Plains. Plains and Plains. My character build is decent (Max..
4:36 am, May 17, 2021
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You know you are building high when...

...Your scaffolding...needs scaffolding.
2:48 am, May 15, 2021
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World Save in 30

Anyway we can disable this message? it's really jarring and destroys immersion.. I didn't see anything in options
2:48 am, May 15, 2021
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I wish that this game did not make my cpu run so hot. I'm using a i7-9950H, 16gb ram, rtx 2060 and it just burns the cpu like no other game. im guessing there is no real fix for this other than to wai..
2:48 am, May 15, 2021
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Feeding boars

Will boars eat carrots that have been planted or do you have to drop them?
2:48 am, May 15, 2021
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Beat Eikthyr, not sure what to do next - advice?

I beat the first boss, and I've done a lot of exploring and building but I still don't feel ready to take on The Elder. I've set up forging, got my bronze axe, set up portals to get around, crafted a ..
2:48 am, May 15, 2021
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Please let us host games without password protection

I can't find anybody to play with and since there is no matchmaking system in place it feels like such a chore to find discord servers then dming people about joining waiting what feels like hours.
2:48 am, May 15, 2021
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Any projects you are working on in Valheim?

I'm currently trying to make a lot of towers, checking out on how I can make them more detailed and better looking that would fit perfectly to a forest. Like a 'Castle in the forest' which is quite a ..
2:48 am, May 15, 2021
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Lost boat

I know it’s been posted but it just happened to me. Parked by a base. As is my habit I hit repair to make sure it was 100%. Ported to my home base, did stuff for a few game days and when I returned ..
2:48 am, May 15, 2021
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Heavy fog

Is the heavy pea soup like fog linked to types of environments? I don't mean the ground stuff in the Black Forest, I mean the stuff that blots out the screen like a blizzard. I swear I never saw it mu..
2:48 am, May 15, 2021
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2:48 am, May 15, 2021
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Bugs & Crashes- Common Issues and Possible solutions

Here is a collection of our most reported issues, and if they have a known solution.If you want to report a bug/crash do it here: in the sub forum Bugs + Crash..
2:48 am, May 15, 2021
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Forum Guidelines and Rules- Please Read

So I see you've find your way to the forums! Please read before posting. Sub Forums To make it as easy as possible for moderators and us developers to distinguish questions, bug reports, and suggestio..
2:48 am, May 15, 2021
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Update Modded Game Crashing Fix

Edit for Valheim Plus*****A lot of you have been asking about valheim plus, Which I dont use, I noticed ODINS WOLF has left instructions that I have marked as the answer to this post****Original****Th..
2:48 am, May 15, 2021
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Valheim - Roadmap & Updates

Hi fellow Vikings! Threads are being created asking for information on the next big update and roadmap in general. In this thread, you will find public information about the Valheim roadmap and update..
2:48 am, May 15, 2021
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On this page
Valheim over wifi Random stone pieces of my building get destroyed suddenly, even though integrity was blue hardcore mode Game name Boombaclock killed boss event cheat(kinda) Has anyone else here had problems with windows 10 updates for the last 6 to 12 months, Just made a pre-emptive foray into the swamp before fighting the Elder. If there was an open-world Valheim, how would you see it? Just did the Bonemass fight (solo) what objects respawn in the world? Games like Valheim [FR] Raccourcis clavier why can only find 200 servers max when search РУССКИЕ обсуждения new harpoon mechanics.... Share your most beautiful screenshot cart iks there a good building guide? Chat SUCKS Knife v Lox Bio Mass Is a Terrible Boss fight! Thistles should be farmable Finished the game. Suggestions on new content? (i.e. mods) Which resource is most underused Best equipment for plains ? Why do ppl say Bio Mass and Furlings? Alle 30 Sek save Unreasonable and Frustrating Base Building The Cart - The most useless invention End Game...disaster?!? You know you are building high when... World Save in 30 HOT HOT HOT Feeding boars Beat Eikthyr, not sure what to do next - advice? Please let us host games without password protection Any projects you are working on in Valheim? Lost boat Heavy fog I KNOW WHAT MOST OF THIS GAME IS BASED OFF OF... Bugs & Crashes- Common Issues and Possible solutions Forum Guidelines and Rules- Please Read Update Modded Game Crashing Fix Valheim - Roadmap & Updates